Friday 11 May 2018 14:00 PM PM

Program Advertisement

Become a sponsor for the best event of the year

Program Advertisement

All Ad submissions and recognition due by midnight August 27th, no submissions accepted after this date.

  • Purchase
  • Ad Templates
  • Upload Ad

Completed Ads MUST BE camera ready .pdf or .jpeg images at 300 dpi and CMYK color format.

$300 - Full page (5"W x 8"H)
$200 - Half page (5"W x 4"H)
$100 - Quarter page (5"W x 2"H or 2.5"W x 4"H)
$50 - Quarter page Republican Women Member (5"W x 2"H or 2.5"W x 4"H)

There are only one of each premium ad available. Check ticket purchase page for premium ad availability.

$400 - Premium Full page Inside Front Cover (5'W x 8"H)
$400 - Premium Full page Inside Back Cover (5'W x 8"H)
$400 - Premium Full page Outside Back Cover (5'W x 8"H)
$400 - Premium Full page Centerfold Left (5'W x 8"H)
$400 - Premium Full page Centerfold Right (5'W x 8"H)

Purchase Ad

Once you have purchased your Ad Type online, please feel free to use our helpful Ad templates to create your own Ad. Completed Ads MUST BE camera ready .pdf or .jpeg images at 300 dpi. and CMYK color format.
Get Ad Templates

Design services available upon request for a $25 additional fee. Text and Logo must be provided by person making request prior to August 27th deadline for submission. Email ad content and image to

Design my ad for me
Completed Ads MUST BE camera ready .pdf or .jpeg images at 300 dpi. and CMYK color format. Click below to submit your ad!
Upload Ad